Fertility 101
Fertility is a complex field, but it doesn’t need to be. Let’s start by understanding what’s possible given your unique scenario, and cover some of the fertility basics.
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Female reproductive system
A female’s reproductive system is a complex subject and consists of hormones, ovaries and the uterus. Explore the role of reproductive organs and hormones during ovulation.
Male reproductive system
The male reproductive system relies on organs to produce semen and sperm, critical for reproduction. In order to conceive a child, the male’s sperm must be healthy enough to travel to an egg. Cover the basics of this topic and learn more about the male reproductive system.
Female infertility testing
Your doctor can perform different tests to assess your fertility, from hormonal testing to ultrasonography. Learn more about the different ways to identify female fertility levels.
Male infertility testing
When determining the cause of male infertility, it’s common to conduct an in-depth semen analysis. Let’s cover the three main variables when assessing sperm, and what they mean for male fertility.
Causes of female infertility
There are many factors that can contribute to or cause female infertility, from the quantity of eggs to fallopian tube blockage. Because the female reproductive system is responsible for fertilizing and carrying embryos to conception, diagnosing infertility is essential to finding the right solution for a successful pregnancy.
Causes of male infertility
Causes of male infertility can be hormonal, or related to testicular diseases. Because the quality and quantity of male sperm contributes to a couple’s ability to conceive, analysis and treatment is essential for individuals struggling with male infertility.
Recurrent miscarriages
Multiple miscarriages are common—at least 1% of all couples trying to conceive experience recurrent miscarriages. However, this does not mean you cannot conceive. There are many treatment options available, even if the cause of your miscarriages are not understood.
Causes of miscarriage
The most common cause of miscarriage is a genetic abnormality in the embryo. However, physical complications or health issues can also result in a miscarriage, including an abnormally shaped uterus, diabetes, thyroid disease, hormonal problems, or immune conditions.
Ultrasounds are a safe and painless way to analyze the internal organs, identify causes of infertility, recommend appropriate treatment and achieve a successful pregnancy.