Women who are undergoing fertility treatment can significantly increase their chances for pregnancy by tracking ovulation.
There are several signs that indicate ovulation, and knowing what to look for can help you identify and maximize your fertility window.
Our team at Pacific Fertility Center Los Angeles offers five tips for tracking ovulation so you can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Let's dive in!
Tracking Ovulation
1. Know Your Cycle
Being familiar with your menstrual cycle is essential for those wanting to increase their chances of pregnancy. In addition to knowing how regular you are, you should know how long your cycle typically lasts.
For example, do you menstruate every 28 days without fail? Or are there some months that differ? Women with regular menstrual cycles can usually track ovulation fairly easily. If you have an irregular cycle, there are still ways to optimize your fertility.
2. Check Your Basal Body Temperature
When you are ovulating, your basal body temperature goes up. This means that as your window of fertility begins, your temperature will start to climb.
If you're trying to become pregnant, we recommend taking your body temperature daily so you can determine your baseline. When you see that your temperature is going up, it means you are ovulating.
3. Use Ovulation Tests
Similar to home pregnancy tests, ovulation tests involve assessing your urine for hormones. If your hormone levels are high, it indicates that you are about to ovulate. Most ovulation assessment kits come with seven tests. This allows you to see your hormone levels rise each day, indicating that you are reaching the peak of fertility.
4. Assess Your Discharge
Believe it or not, vaginal discharge can tell you a lot about ovulation. When your body enters the window of fertility, the mucous will become thin and stretchy, not unlike the consistency of egg whites.
This is actually the body’s natural way to promote pregnancy. It occurs because the sperm can more easily reach the egg. In contrast, when you are not ovulating, your vaginal discharge will typically be thicker.
5. Be Aware of Abdominal Discomfort
Have you ever been going about your day when you feel a twinge of pain on one side of your abdomen? Did you know that approximately 20 percent of women know they are ovulating because of this temporary discomfort?
If you are trying to become pregnant, try being more aware of this painful twinge, and determine whether it happens at the same time every month. If so, it could be a good indicator that you are ovulating.
Benefits of Tracking Your Ovulation
In addition to increasing your chances for fertility, there are plenty of other reasons to track your ovulation. For example, doing so can:
- Keep your general health in check. Tracking ovulation can help individuals take note of any irregularities. When detected at an early stage, these issues are often easier to treat.
- Help you know when to schedule certain activities. Ovulation brings about significant hormone changes. Some women tend to feel differently, perhaps more tired or more irritable, during these times. If this sounds familiar, tracking your ovulation can help you determine when to schedule things like family vacations or business meetings.
- Help you gain a greater understanding of your own body. Having a grasp on the functions and cycles of your body can help you avoid unnecessary stress.
Contact Us for More Information
Tracking your ovulation is helpful for a number of reasons, particularly if you are trying to conceive.
If you're struggling to get pregnant, our team of fertility specialists may be able to help. Contact us at the link below.
Note: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information provided is for general educational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Speak to your doctor directly with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Any information contained herein does not replace any care plan as determined by a physician.
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