Cost of Preimplantation Genetic Testing: Is PGS/PGT-A Right for You?
Having a baby is expensive, even without adding assisted reproductive technologies to the mix.
From preimplantation genetic screening to embryo freezing, there’s no shortage of decisions to be made. Thankfully, many fertility clinics and programs offer discounts, financial coordination teams, and insurance support for those navigating the medical and financial implications of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Preimplantation genetic screening, or PGS, is a modern-day fertility advancement used to select the best embryos to increase the chances of successful implantation during IVF. However, some fertility clinics may refer to PGS as PGT-A, short for Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy. Depending on the fertility clinic and the number of embryos you’re testing, PGS/PGT-A can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000.
At PFCLA, we’re often asked about the outcomes and costs associated with PGS/PGT-A. Let’s explore some of our frequently asked questions surrounding PGS, and find out if this procedure can help bring your family to life.
What is PGS/PGT-A?
PGS, now also known as Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A), is a procedure that checks for the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes and genetic diseases in embryos before the embryo transfer in IVF.
Abnormal chromosome numbers, also known as aneuploidy, refer to any embryo with more or less than 46 chromosomes. When an embryo has an abnormal number of chromosomes, there can be no pregnancy, pregnancy loss, or significant health problems in the baby, which can be very difficult for intended parents. PGS/PGT-A can also tell intended parents the sex of each embryo, so they can select which embryo(s) to transfer if they’d like to select their child’s gender.
The PGS/PGT-A procedure involves culturing embryos until they’ve reached the blastocyst stage and then performing a biopsy to test a sample of cells from the embryo(s). If executed properly, PGS/PGT-A doesn’t damage the embryo so intended parents can successfully undergo an IVF embryo transfer after this procedure.
Download our free ebook
How PGD and PGS/PGT-A offers the best chance of achieving a successful IVF implantation and protecting a future baby from the risk of a hereditary genetic disease. Download this guide to uncover:
- Differences between the two procedures
- Pros and cons of embryo screening
- Success rates and outcomes
- Costs associated with these procedures
Genetic testing is an important part of IVF treatment and allows intended parents to maximize their chances of a successful pregnancy after the embryo transfer. However, PGD and PGS/PGT-A deliver different results and findings, so it’s important to know which one is which.
You can undergo both PGD and PGS/PGT-A for your embryos. Still, parents typically select PGS if they carry no known genetic diseases and PGD if they carry known genetic diseases. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and PGS/PGT-A use similar processes to analyze embryo cells.
PGD detects specific disorders with a high probability of being passed down to offspring, such as Cystic Fibrosis. PGT-A, on the other hand, doesn’t test for specific diseases. Rather, this testing procedure looks for abnormalities in the number and position of the chromosomes. However, PGS/PGT-A does not screen for all genetic disorders, so it’s important to make sure to discuss options with a fertility clinic and doctor before proceeding with embryo screening. Because of this, intended parents with known genetic diseases should undergo Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).
Candidates for PGS/PGT-A testing
For intended parents with no known genetic diseases, PGT-A can detect embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. Some of these embryos will not implant during the embryo transfer or will lead to a miscarriage, so PGS/PGT-A can increase the chances of a successful conception.
Additionally, PGS/PGT-A is an available method for intended parents who wish to select their baby’s sex. IVF usually results in several viable embryos, so parents can select which gender is transferred into the uterus. This also allows fertility doctors to select the embryo with the highest chance of implantation, reducing the chances of a failed implantation.
At PFCLA, we recommend PGS/PGT-A for:
- Intended parents with no known genetic abnormalities
- Women older than 37
- Intended parents interested in a single embryo transfer
- Intended parents interested in sex selection
- Intended parents with a history of failed IVF/implantation failure
How much does PGS/PGT-A testing cost?
PGS/PGT-A testing is typically performed during the IVF procedure, which can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 without a third-party surrogate or egg donor. Outside of this base package, the price of PGS/PGT-A testing can range between $4,000 and $10,000.
However, every fertility clinic’s pricing varies, and determining the exact cost of PGS/PGT-A testing can vary greatly from patient to patient. Factors that can influence PGS/PGT-A costs include the number of IVF cycles needed (including egg retrievals, fertilization, testing, and transfers), the number of embryos to test, the inheritance pattern of the genetic disease, and the technology required for PGS/PGT-A testing per clinic.
At PFCLA, we understand how costly ART procedures can be, and try to reduce these expenses whenever possible to ensure that you’re able to achieve the family of your dreams. Our PGS/PGT-A costs $6,000 for testing on up to eight embryos, and for intended parents undergoing IVF that may require additional IVF cycles, you can screen your additional embryos for $250/embryo. PGS/PGT-A is already included in several of PFCLA’s IVF packages, so you won’t incur any separate charges if you decide to pursue this.
Financing your PGS/PGT-A during IVF
As one of the oldest fertility clinics in the country, we know how stressful assisted reproductive treatment can be, and we want to make sure you have as many resources as possible to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy and help bring you a happy and healthy baby.
PGS/PGT-A is a valuable technology that, if used correctly, can significantly improve your chances of successful implantation and reduce the risk of passing on genetic disorders to your baby.
If you’re an intended parent considering IVF with PGS/PGT-A testing, get in contact with our team of fertility specialists and discuss your options for financing and pricing.
Note: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information provided is for general educational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Speak to your doctor directly with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Any information contained herein does not replace any care plan as determined by a physician.
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